Locally-Funded Higher Education Institutions' Research Culture: A Proposed Model
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Education, Major in Educational Management
Institution / University: University of Makati, Philippines
Published in: 2006
This study was conducted for a two-fold purpose: 1) To assess the research culture in three locally-funded universities in Metro Manila,Philippines, namely: University of Makati (UMak), Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasay/University of Pasay City (PLP), and University of Caloocan City (UCC); and 2) To propose a model and a program for institutional research capability-building of all locally-funded Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)in the country.
UMak, PLP and UCC were chosen as respondent institutions in this study because they typify many of the HEIs in the country which are mostly “in transition” insofar as research is concerned, and for the reason of their having their respective graduate school, their students of which in the graduate level having been chosen as a group of respondents in this study. The respondents were chosen from the 860 study population through a combination of purposive and random sampling methods.
The 651 respondents of this study included 92 administrators, 177 faculty members and 382 graduate students. Respondent administrators were limited to those designated in the academic units, while the faculty members to those carrying regular loads and holding permanent full-time appointments. Respondent graduate students were comprised of those who were currently enrolled in the masteral and doctoral programs in the second semester, academic year 2005-2006.
This study made use of the descriptive-normative method of research in line with the specific objectives of the study. Hence, the researcher did referencing from related literatures and studies, conducting interviews with authorities, and data gathering through questionnaire administration.
In assessing the researcher culture of the respondent institutions, the following components were employed: research capability, research outputs, research dissemination and research utilization.
Institutional research capability was evaluated by the respondents using institutional research program, human resource and material resource factors as indicators. Institutional research program factors included the following: research vision, mission, goals and objectives; agenda and priorities; policies and guidelines; structure and management; monitoring and evaluation; networks and linkages; and rewards, incentives and recognitions. Human resource factors considered in this study are the following: research experiences; trainings; interdisciplinary knowledge and skills; orientation; and attitudes and interest towards research. Material resource factors consisted of the following: internal funding; external funding; facilities and equipments; journals and publications; and information technology.
The extent of influence of each of the enumerated indicators of research capability in the development of institutional interdisciplinary research capability was also determined in this study. Furthermore, this study endeavored to find out whether or not there is a significant difference in the grouped respondents’ evaluations of the research capability factors’ corresponding indicators.
The status of the three other components of research culture, namely, research outputs, research dissemination, and research utilization, in the three respondent HEIs was also assessed by the grouped respondents. Outputs were assessed according to quantity and quality. On the second hand, dissemination was evaluated based on publication media, academic fora and symposia, and electronic channels. Finally, utilization was gauged in the development of administrative policies, faculty, curriculum, instruction, students, community and extension services. Relationship of these research components with research capability was also established in this study.
Finally, respondents rated the degree of seriousness of the 20 research problems listed by the researcher in the questionnaire.
The data gathered from this study were made as inputs in coming up with a model and a proposed institutional research capability-building program for locally-funded HEIs.
Analyses of the data gathered from the questionnaire revealed all the grouped respondents’ very low evaluations of their respective institution’s institutional research program factors, material resource factors, research outputs, research dissemination and research utilization. Notably was the administrator’s and faculty’s high evaluations and the graduate student’s low evaluations of the human resource factors.
It was also found out that all the research program, human resource and material resource factors have a much extent of influence in the development of institutional interdisciplinary research capability, and that the grouped respondents’ evaluations of the indicators of all the factors, except that of the
vision, mission, goals and objectives; agenda and priorities; structure and management; and monitoring and evaluation, differ significantly.
Correlation analyses of the data also revealed that there is no significant relationship of research capability and research outputs, while significant relationships of research capability was established with research dissemination and research utilization.
Finally, this study came up with the finding that the degree of seriousness of all the pre-determined research problems in respondent institutions is serious.
Therefore, the researcher concluded that there is a compelling need for locally-funded HEIs in the Philippines to improve their institutional research capability, research output, research dissemination, and research utilization components, hence, the Proposed Model and Program for Institutional Research Capability-Building of all locally-funded HEIs in the country.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
locally-funded higher education institutions, research, research culture, research capability, research output, research dissemination, research utilization, capability-building
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Bernales, Rolando A. 2006. Locally-funded Higher Education Institutions' Research Culture: A Proposed Model. Dissertation. University of Makati, Philippines
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Rolando Aldaca Bernales from Philippines on 29-Apr-2006 16:57.
Abstract has been viewed 5848 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Rolando Aldaca Bernales Contact Details: Email: rabernales@yahoo.com
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