
Space Technology Application for Natural Resources Assessment and Management: A case study of Thrissur District of Kerala  

Abstract Category: Engineering
Course / Degree: Master of Technology (MTech) in Remote Sensing
Institution / University: Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, India
Published in: 2000

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

On the basis of the satellite derived data which was supported by secondary data, the project of specific assessment and management of natural resources has highlighted the need for better understanding of the study area, “Thrissur District” as a unit system and the impact of changing anthropogenic activities on land environment. Assessment of remote sensed data provides the basis for environmentally sound management of land resources, as an inevitable part of natural resource. Natural resource is a tangible resource greatly influenced by intangible resources.

The purpose behind this study entitled, “Space Technology Application for Natural Resources Assessment and Management: A case study of Thrissur District of Kerala”, was to focus on land-cover/land-use changing status and changing scenario of land resources of this region. It addressed the changing scenario of the District, rapidly in terms of quality and quantity of natural resources. Another purpose was to establish the potential of remote sensing in the field of natural resource management and assessment.

Supervised classification was carried out to determine the changes that had undergone during the period from 1989 to 1996 in Thrissur District. The change detection was carried out by processing the images for the year 1989 (IRS LISS 1) and 1996 (IRS 1B LISS II), with software ERDAS Imagine. Survey of India (SIO) toposheets, census report of Kerala and other reports from various organizations were used for the study. The temporal changes were studied from processed result of IRS 1B LISS II (1996) with results of IRS LISS 1(1989).

The change detection of the region had reflected the remarkable and enormous change in land-cover/land-use dynamics over the period from 1989 to 1996, in a gap of 6 years, abused by population growth, unsustainable activities, shift in occupation and plantation on fixed land resources. It showed a tremendous decrease of fresh water bodies, agricultural land, natural forest which was compensated by plantation of rubber, teak, eucalyptus, tea, coffee etc. There was a remarkable increase in built up lands.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Thrissur District, remote sensing, supervised classification, land resource, natural resources, tangible and intangible resources, IRS and ERDAS

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Saji, B. (2000). Space Technology Application for Natural Resources Assessment and Management: A case study of Thrissur District of Kerala. M. Tech thesis, from Department of Remote Sensing, Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Saji Baby from India on 16-Mar-2006 15:56.
Abstract has been viewed 3208 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Saji Baby Contact Details: Email: sajimathewvk@hotmail.com

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