
Role played by the political ideology of the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) in the transformation of the Rwandan conflict  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Political Science
Institution / University: National University of Rwanda, Rwanda
Published in: 2005

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

After coming to power in July 1994, the RPF promised to replace the partisan, extremist ideology which had drove Rwanda into the 1994 genocide with an ideology that is national, democratic, inclusive; open to change and dedicated to ameliorating the living conditions of each and every Rwandan. Eleven years from then different interpretations to the direction of the Rwandan conflict and the role played by the RPF in it have been made. However, no single attempt has been made to ask Rwandans to express their opinions on the issue. In January 2005, the present study attempted to address this challenge by asking a representative group of 316 Rwandans to describe the trends they perceive in the conflict situation. Respondents were also asked to evaluate the role played by the RPF political ideology in fostering those trends. Study findings draw from the perceptions of those respondents and the employment of a quasi-experimental design.

This dissertation is organized into five chapters: Chapter one presents the background to the study. The study hypothesis is the statement that: The RPF political ideology is promoting the transformation of the Rwandan conflict. To test that hypothesis seven research questions and four working hypotheses were adopted. Chapter two presents the concepts, theories and studies that assisted in framing those research questions and hypotheses. Chapter three describes the procedures; methods, techniques and instruments used in testing the study hypothesis while chapter four analyses and interprets findings. Chapter five presents summary findings, a conclusion, and the recommendations of the study to the RPF, to Rwandans and to the research community.

The study found out that during the RPF led regime, the Rwandan conflict is being transformed and that the RPF political ideology is playing a spearheading role in the transformation of that conflict. Basing upon those findings, the study recommends the RPF ideology to continue being an inclusive, open to change political ideology and to start preparing its self to co-exist with opposing ideologies. The study also argues Rwandans to improve their attitudes towards one another, continue struggling for their rights; promote a democratic culture and work hard to improve their living conditions. Those changes, it is hoped would quicken the transformation of the Rwandan conflict.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
political ideology, Rwandese Patriotic Front, RPF, nkotanyi, transformation, Rwandan conflict peace resolution war, Africa

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Role played by the political ideology of the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi) in the transformation of the Rwandan conflict

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Joseph Rurangwa from Rwanda on 17-Nov-2005 16:50.
Abstract has been viewed 2372 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Joseph Rurangwa Contact Details: Email: josephrurangwa@yahoo.com

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