Fighting for the Riches of the Earth
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: n/a
Institution / University: Western Michigan University, United States
Published in: 2005
As water becomes increasingly scarce due to national development projects, rapid urbanization, rising affinity levels, and growing populations, with no existing agreement between many riparian states, the threat for future conflict becomes increasingly likely if not inevitable. The thesis examines the development of water security in the Tigris-Euphrates river basin as an integral part of national security within the riparian states of Turkey, Iraq, and Syria and if water scarcity can lead to better diplomatic relations among affected states. Section one explores the dynamics of supply and demand upon global water resources and the critical nature of water to human life and civilization. Section two elaborates on the geography, topography and climate of the riparian states along with a water security analysis of each state. Section three examines the contemporary history of Turkey’s national politics and security policies toward water, with special attention given to the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) and the Kurdish issue. Sections four and five analyze water security issues facing the downstream riparians, specifically the importance of the rivers to the economies of both countries and the efforts to exploit the rivers for the benefit of each nation. Section six describes major past conflicts between the riparian states and how each was resolved. Section seven explores management theories for bodies of water along with past and contemporary water treaties between the states as well as investigating recent efforts for cooperation.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
water, war, diplomatic, relations
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Joshua Vaughn Lampen from United States on 05-Sep-2005 03:15.
Abstract has been viewed 2311 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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