Research Culture in State Higher Education Institutions (SHEIs) in Region IV: Proposed Research Program for Institutional Research Development
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Institution / University: University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
Published in: 2003
The study sought to describe, analyze, and interpret the status of research culture in state higher education institutions in Region IV in the Philippines in relation to the dependent variable-components such as research capability, research output, research dissemination, and research utilization as influenced by the independent variables such as the institutional research program, human resource, and material resource predictors.
Data on the independent and dependent variables were collected using the survey questionnaires and guided interview questions. Qualitative analysis was done to obtain the descriptive profile of the status of culture of research in the respondent school. Quantitative analysis was used to crosscheck qualitative analysis using the descriptive statistics such as weighted mean, standard deviation, frequency counts, percentage, ranks, and inferential statistics such as T-test, stepwise multiple regression analysis and correlation among other standard tools.
Two groups of respondents from five (5) respondent schools were involved in the study. The informants involve 289 respondents including 67 administrators completely enumerated, and 222 faculty members chosen by stratified proportional random sampling.
Findings on institutional research program factors show a high significant compliance on the standard; however, there is the need to strengthen the research networks and linkages, and improve the research rewards, incentives, and recognition (RIR) for the efforts in research. Results of findings on human resource factors reveal that predominant respondents are males, married, and belong to age of 35-41 for the faculty and 42-48 for administrators; that predominant faculty respondents are instructors, and the administrators are holding the positions as Deans, and Chairman/Department Head/Coordinators of research; that most of them only earned units in Masterate; and the factors that tend to strengthen the description on research culture are research experiences, leadership skills in research, and attitudes and personal interest in research. Moreover, findings on materials resource factors reveal the need to improve and strengthen a) the system of funding research, b) availability of research facilities and research journals and publications, c) the library facilities, holdings and materials. However, information technology variable is significant in building research culture.
Descriptive findings on research capability show the manifestations of positive research management and competence of administrators and faculty in processing research. In addition, findings on research outputs reveal the need to improve both the type research conducted and number of research published and presented, and to increase the publication. Findings reveal that there are more unpublished researches than the published ones. Results of the study on research dissemination indicate the need to strengthen the scheme of effective communication or diffusion of research outputs. However, findings on research utilization reveal to the much extent of its user but it calls for a mechanism to facilitate, monitor, and evaluate research utilization.
Regression relationship analysis showed that research capability as to research management is dependent on variable position, training, and research experiences; and research process is influenced by leadership skills in research, personal interest and attitudes, educational attainment, length of service, training, and research facilities.
A similar positive relationship is revealed between research outputs and independent variables; factors that tend to strengthen the link between the two are research mission-vision, goals, and objectives of research, research rewards, length of service, position, educational attainment, information technology, leadership skills, and research orientation. There is significant relationship between research dissemination and independent variables research rewards, position, age, leadership skills, library facilities, agenda and priorities in research, goals and objectives in research and foreign funds. While, factors that tend to strengthen the link or relationship between research utilization and independent variables are attitudes and interest in research, research networks and linkages, age, research training and library and library facilities, holdings and materials.
Based on the result of the study, the research culture in state higher education institutions in Region IV has much to be desired.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Research culture, institution research program, human and material resource factors, research capability, research outputs, research dissemination and utilization
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Fetalver, Mario Jr. A. (2003). Research Culture in State Higher Education Institutions (SHEIs) in Region IV: Proposed Research Program for Institutional Research Development. Dissertation. University of Santo Tomas. Manila, Philippines
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Mario A. Fetalver, Jr. from Philippines on 29-Jun-2005 13:10.
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