
The various business strategies of Etisalat telecommunications in the U.A.E  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Bachelors - Business managment
Institution / University: Skyline University College, United Arab Emirates
Published in: 2005

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

This effort may include various debatable topics such as – The strong hold of Etisalat in the U.A.E market, different ways in which the Etisalat can reduce the negative impacts by promoting the positive impacts of tellecommunication in U.A.E or the impacts that can help Etisalat and can gain more favorable position and other wise in different arenas benefiting U.A.E directly and indirectly.

This dissertation is an endeavor towards creating a path or a guide in looking forward for a better future for Etisalat as a giant telecommunication service provider through the means of tellecommunication, as the main motive behind the effort is to utilize both the positive and the negative impacts of Etisalat for not only earning massive customers flow but also earning a favorable image in the tellecommunication industry while clearing all the misconceptions that have been bounded.

This research will basically focus on the various business strategies of Etisalat and the monopolistic nature of it, In addition to analyze people are forced to buy the service of Etisalat And also the research would be helpful for the and the tellecommunication related sectors as every, new related projects and developments would try to lessen the negative impacts as well as the customers would come to know the impacts that they can create.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
telecommunications, Etisalat, U.A.E.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Esam Ahmed Bilgrami from United Arab Emirates on 22-May-2005 18:15.
Abstract has been viewed 2943 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Esam Ahmed Bilgrami Contact Details: Email: esambilgrami@gmail.com

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