
Laws Abstracts  

Neuroeconomic Appeal - "in This Case"

Date: 19-01-2013 01:06

The 1. [key] > knowledge empowers you in all oral arguments. The primary premise

 of this thesis is - that the 2. [abc\'] > (a)ttitude + (b)rief + (c)onversation yo ... read full abstract ››

On The Alternative Dispute Resolution Of Intellectual Property Rights Dispute

Date: 27-02-2012 02:48

Because of the interest factor, system factor and environment factor, the intellectual property rights dispute is inevitable. With the increasing importance of intellectual property rights, the disputes relating to intellectual property rights have been increased sharply. There are various resolution ways and methods of intellectual property rights ... read full abstract ››

The Enforcement of International Human Rights Law in U.S. Courts

Date: 04-05-2011 19:59

The United States’ attitude towards international human rights law has been subjected to sharp criticism. Particularly, while U.S. law ensures a wide protection of human rights, the United States has taken specific actions to minimize its own obligations u ... read full abstract ››

Review of Case Number VFA-0172, 25 DOE & 80, 208

Date: 10-03-2011 01:34

The dissertation will examine the aspects of The Freedom of Information Act of The United States of America regarding the \'adequacy\' of a requested search of a Federal Agency\'s records regarding science and technology.  The monograph will address DOE case number VFA-0172, 25 DOE & 80, 208 regarding Nuclear Power for aircraft and space craft as per Dr. Richard Feynm ... read full abstract ››

Justice Courts: A General Overview

Date: 10-03-2011 01:16

The thesis will give a general overview of the justice courts found in Western civilization and the history of such courts in the United States of America.  Colonial to modern versions of justice courts will be examined as they developed in the United States.  Complete citations.

Regulating Tenancy Relationships in Jordan

Date: 01-10-2010 07:55

Housing is a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution. Recent interest in the welfare of low-income Jordanian citizens has directed attention to the problem of housing. While allocation of funds for low-income housing purposes can alleviate the problem of housing conditions, landlord-tenant legal relationships may prevent the development of decent housing. In other wor ... read full abstract ››

Jordan and the World Trading System: A Case Study for Arab Countries

Date: 01-10-2010 07:52

Arab countries are attempting to broaden their engagement in the multilateral trading system in a manner that has many implications. Not only have some Arab countries either acceded or are in the pipeline of acceding to the World Trade Organization (WTO), but their new commitments coincides with reorientations in their economic strategies. The purpose of this dissertation is t ... read full abstract ››

A comparative study of the systems of review of administrative action by courts and tribunals in Australia and Vietnam : what Vietnam can learn from Australian experience

Date: 27-08-2010 07:53

This thesis is a critical comparative study of the systems of review of administrative action by courts and tribunals in the Australian and Vietnamese jurisdictions. Its purpose is to determine the feasibility and desirability of applying Australian legal experience in Vietnamese conditions. It examines the law and legal institutions of both countries with regard to subject ma ... read full abstract ››

Analysis on the Electricity theft in Peninsular Malaysia through a Case Study of "Informer Operasi Jelapang Padi"

Date: 27-05-2010 04:32

ANALYSIS ON THE ELECTRICITY THEFT IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA THROUGH A CASE STUDY OF “INFORMER OPERASI JELAPANG PADI” Electricity theft is a problem commonly confronted by electricity utility companies. In Malaysia, TNB which is the biggest electricity utility company and monopoly electricity supply also confront electricity theft. Operasi Jelapang Padi’s informe ... read full abstract ››

Modern Diplomacy - Promoting Euro-Mediterranean Relations Through Sport

Date: 28-06-2008 01:09

Sport represents one of the most-developed cases of globalization in international relations, arguably because there are fewer political and cultural obstacles to the development of sport than there are in other fields. To date there is little literature dedicated to this subject, despite the fact that sport has grown to a large size. It arguably replaces religion in its power ... read full abstract ››

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